IMT Mines Albi
A word from the director
2022 was a year marked by our continued and increased efforts to pursue all of the school’s missions.
As a forward-looking school, IMT Mines Albi offers programs that are constantly updated to match industrial needs. The school continues to realize its ambitions and develop partnership activities, while strengthening synergies between its training and research centers.
IMT Mines Albi helped boost the hydrogen sector this year in Albi by participating in the “H2 Campus” initiative. The school also initiated a wide range of efforts to promote inclusion and access to higher education for all, while also implementing an energy efficiency plan and launching numerous collaborations made possible by its growing influence.
2022 was also an opportunity to establish the new strategic plan for 2023-2027 with the aim of producing, designing, improving and organizing a world in transition.
Lionel Luquin,
Key Figures
4 missions
An international perspective
After attaining an impressive entry position in 2021, the school ranked fourth among French institutions in the Round University Ranking, an international university ranking that measures the performance of 1,150 leading universities.
3 new Eiffel scholarships for international students
The Eiffel Scholarship program run by the French Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs awards scholarships to top international students to encourage them to study at one of the major French schools. Once again this year, IMT Mines Albi welcomed three new recipients from among the 344 students selected in France.
Developing international opportunities with Campus France
The school strengthened ties with Malaysia and Nigeria this year with support from Campus France. Two recipients of scholarships from the Nigerian Petroleum Technology Development Fund started their PhDs at the RAPSODEE center. The school also joined forces with the consortium of French ‘Grandes Écoles’ to welcome Malaysian students to its engineering program from the University of Kuala Lumpur supported by MARA, a Malaysian government agency.
net employment rate
at 12 months
37 694 €
gross annual salary
(with bonuses in France)
New programs and constant adaptation of existing ones to prepare for the professions of the future
The current challenge facing the French industrial world today is that of enhancing and developing employees’ skills. There is a real need to attract new talent. IMT Mines Albi is well aware of these issues and has taken action by integrating industrial needs of the future into its programs and making every effort to increase connections between the school and the business world.
2022 was marked by numerous initiatives in this area.
PRINEC: a new training to support ecological transition
With a shared commitment to the environment and resource conservation and an awareness of industrial changes, IMT Mines Albi and IMT Mines Alès joined forces to offer a new Master’s degree in engineering for the circular economy with support from the eco-organization Valdelia. This program accredited by the ‘Conférence des Grandes Écoles’ is designed to respond to needs for material savings and to reduce the environmental footprint of industrial processes.
Moving towards work-study programs for all engineers
As part of the educational reform implemented in 2021, the option of the student engineering program is now available from the second year. This new proposal has increased the program’s competitiveness. It gives companies the opportunity to host students in a work-study format during the second and third years to ensure the acquisition of vocational skills.
New partnership with the ARCHES scientific network on spatial habitats
The ARCHES specialized scientific network on architecture in extreme environments and IMT Mines Albi have launched a new partnership. With the aim of creating connections between engineering students and architects, students in the Advanced Master’s degree in Energy-Plus had the opportunity to participate in a week of workshops and lectures organized by the network on the theme of habitat design in extreme environments.
A program option certified by the French Society of Automotive Engineers (SIA)
The school has obtained certification from the French Society of Automotive Engineers (SIA) for its “Automotive Techniques” modules for the “Advanced materials and processes for transport of the future” option of the engineering program. This provides an assurance for companies that graduates of the program will meet the expectations of the automotive industry.
IMT Mines Albi actively contributes to the national recovery plan
IMT Mines Albi is contributing to the national ‘France Relance’ recovery plan by supporting the program’s target to “Safeguard R&D jobs”. 2–3-year collaborative research projects have been launched in each of the school’s training and research centers initiated in late 2021 or in 2022. This represents a total of more than 10 companies that are working with researchers to conduct research, strengthening joint R&D work or initiate new collaboration:
- Airbus, with four employees posted to the project for 80% of their working hours;
- Alpha Recyclage Composite, with one employee posted to the project for 80% of their working hours;
- Amarenco, with the recruitment of 5 employees and one employee posted to the project for 80% of their working hours;
- Berger Levrault, with the recruitment of a recent PhD graduate;
- CVasthera, with the recruitment of a recent PhD graduate;
- Eco-Tech Ceram, with the recruitment of recent PhD graduate;
- Figeac Aero, with the recruitment of a recent graduate and the posting of two employees at 80%;
- Next4, with the recruitment of one employee and the posting of two employees at 80% Oviatis, with the recruitment of a recent graduate;
- Processium, with the recruitment of recent PhD graduate.
PhD students
6,6 M€
in research contracts
(CNRS, Armines, school)
Increased synergy between the three training and research centers
Collaborative innovation has been the leitmotif of IMT Mines Albi’s research activities. Through dynamic cooperation between the centers as well as with industrial, academic and institutional stakeholders, IMT Mines Albi’s research focuses on collaboration and contributes to the local, national and international network.
The first Research Day was a success!
IMT Mines Albi organized a day dedicated to research and collaborative innovation focused on its three training and research centers. More than 70 private partners and communities took part in a rich and comprehensive program promoting various forms of collaboration on digital applications for advanced production systems, health engineering, fluid networks and energy storage.
IMT Mines Albi’s three training and research centers joined forces to design the first ultra-light autonomous train
The ECOTRAIN program aims to design a system of battery-powered light autonomous shuttles on light rails connected with stations to optimize the flow of people, freight and power generation. The school’s three training and research centers have been involved through three projects launched in 2022. With support from multiple academic, institutional and industrial partners, IMT Mines Albi organized a launch day complete with plenary meetings and cross-fertilization workshops aimed at building a common vision, identifying technological and scientific barriers, and understanding future sociological and economic needs.
Developing entrepreneurship through innovation
IMT Mines Albi plays a key role in a support and cooperation program with Togo
École Polytechnique de Lomé (EPL) in Togo was founded at the end of 2022 as part of the IMPACT project. IMT Mines Albi is partnering with the University of Technology of Troyes, the University of Technology of Belfort Montbéliard, the University of Lomé and EPL by offering its expertise on its technological incubator model and training to becoming a student entrepreneur. This key partnership with EPL will facilitate student mobility between the two institutions.
Innov’athon: from research to the industrial market
During the Innov’athon, the three training and research centers present technological innovations to students that can meet an industrial need. This opportunity allows them to test the possibilities of technology transfer and the commercialization of their research. The diverse range of solutions and topics presented attracted about fifty students ready to take up this challenge. This included the incubated start-up KITOZ, which proposes a solar energy transformation project.
projects incubated in 2022
awards for incubated companies
Talent incubator
Each year, awards are presented to recognize technological and entrepreneurial support projects. In 2022, IMT Mines Albi’s incubators and student-entrepreneur projects performed brilliantly in various competitions on innovation and entrepreneurship:
- KITOZ: first prize in the METHA Europe competition in the pre-creation category and 9th place in the Pépite Occitanie competition;
- Smart Assign: Jury’s prize at the CRECE (Regional Student Business Creation Competition), organized by the CCI of Toulouse
- Hopper: Jury’s prize at VIVATECH, and winner of the Startup and Disability prize
- Altere: 4th place in the Pépite Occitanie awards
- V-event: first place in the ToulEco "Talent Booster" Innovation category.
Incubators invested in the planet
IMT Mines Albi’s technological incubator supports start-ups that integrate the three deep tech values. The companies offer a product or service that brings a high added value to its market. They develop a product drawing on a significant groundbreaking engineering innovation in direct connection with research teams. At the same time, they respond to today’s transitions and major challenges for a potential positive impact.
Two former companies previously incubated at IMT Mines Albi, Hycco and Cobratex, have entered the BPI France ranking of the 300 companies and SMEs that will change the world.
Four other start-ups earned the “Deep Tech” status granted by BPI France: Hopper, 3DmetDie, Notrelec, Ash’Up.
IMT Mines Albi connects science and society starting with schoolchildren
This year, on the occasion of the 9th edition of the European Night of Researchers, and in response to the European request to strengthen these initiatives for schoolchildren living in remote areas, IMT Mines Albi and Institut National Universitaire Champollion organized science film sessions called “Ciné sciences” for three classes in the Tarn department. In partnership with Scène Nationale d'Albi-Tarn, a national performing arts center, a film related to the theme of “unforeseen events” was screened, followed by interaction time with the children to help them better understand science and their world.
school children
Open science: the school strengthens its approach and commitment
IMT Mines Albi continues to aspire to open up science, publications and data to achieve the common goals of visibility, sharing and the dissemination of validated results for the benefit of all.
According to the French Open Science Barometer, the results continued to be positive in 2022, with a rate of open access to scientific publications exceeding 90%.
At the same time, the approach has been strengthened through a new project, “Données de la Recherche”, which brings together the various stakeholders involved in the school’s scientific process. The goal is to produce data that is easy to find, accessible, interoperable and reusable.
Centers' life
Industrial Engineering Center
Clément Ader-Albi Institute
A key player in Industrial Engineering
and Artificial Intelligence
The Industrial Engineering Center (CGI) develops methods and decision support tools for uncertain, heterogeneous, and collaborative contexts, at the interface between Industrial Engineering (IE) and artificial Intelligence (AI). The CGI has made constant progress and is now a key player in these fields, alongside a multitude of active partners.
2,8 M€
in contract
staff (including)
PhD students
New research
and experimentation platform: IOMEGA
Strong partnerships to improve
the performance of organizations
IMT Mines Albi’s CGI explores and boosts innovations through a collaborative approach aimed at promoting the success of promising projects. It runs several joint laboratories and chairs as well as an associated international laboratory, with numerous industrial partners: Veolia, Pierre Fabre, Dassault System, Airbus, Traxens, Elioz, Scalian, Report one, Immersive Factory.
RE-S-EAU: conclusive results
At a one-day event, IMT Mines Albi and Veolia presented their first results from their joint laboratory. The joint laboratory called RE-S-EAU (in English: Resilience and Efficiency of Water Production and Distribution Systems), is working to propose intelligent control solutions for water networks It also provided the opportunity to discuss the issue of water resources on a wider scale, which promises to be critical by 2050 and demands a change in practices.
A noteworthy ending for the joint EGCERSIS laboratory
The EGCERSIS joint laboratory, initiated with Immersive Factory, Report One and the Occitanie region, came to a close with outstanding scientific and technical success. It was recognized as the best solution of the year in the category Productivity, Education and Maintenance for Industry at the 2022 Laval Virtual Awards. The solution was demonstrated at the synthesis seminar for the Sanctum Labo-Crise project led by the French Ministry for the Ecological and Inclusive Transition, with the French Red Cross and the National Gendarmerie in attendance.
Collaboration with Georgia Institute of Technology continues
The IMT “Global Campus” project initiated in 2021 with Georgia Institute of Technology (GT), continues to make tangible progress in addition to the existing research dynamic within the SIReN International Associate International Laboratory, which has been supported by Professor Frédérick Benaben’s extended stay at the university. Substantial progress is being made towards the implementation of the three first pilot courses by the end of 2023 for the Master of Science in “Physical Internet Engineering” on the theme of supply chain engineering within the Hybrid Immersive Teaching Campus (HITeC).
Iterop, a CGI success story
Created in 2013 by two doctors from CGI, Iterop continues to grow through its expertise developed with the center, particularly through PhD theses. Iterop has built on its success, becoming a Dassault Systèmes group brand in 2022, selected to support the group and enrich the experience of its users. The CGI continues to support this dynamic through the DEEP-TURTLE joint research laboratory.
Renewed trust with Pierre Fabre
Since 2016, the Pierre Fabre Group and IMT Mines Albi have led the “Agile Supply Chain” Chair with the aim of developing research and training activities enabling industrial networks 4.0. to better understand and manage the uncertainties and disturbances they face. Pierre Fabre renewed its support for the Chair this year for an additional 3 years.
Clément Ader-Albi Institute
A center founded on responsible industry of the future
In 2022, Institut Clément Ader (ICA) UMR CNRS 5312, and the IMT Mines Albi site (ICA-Albi) in particular, drew on its expertise in materials and the mechanics of materials and processes to develop its activities related to major societal challenges for responsible engineering of the future. It relies on a multiscale approach including regional, national and European dynamics. These dynamics are particularly relevant when it comes to decarbonizing transport and recycling and reusing used materials.
1,3 M€
in contract
staff (including)
PhD students
Decarbonizing transport :
hydrogen as a new energy vector
The ICA-Albi site supports air transport stakeholders in the development of hydrogen storage tanks and technologies. It distinguished itself in 2022 by proposing experimental means in a liquid hydrogen environment at cryogenic temperatures at the micro- and nano-scale that were virtually unique in France.
The central theme is the study of the behavior of materials and structures in the presence of hydrogen at cryogenic temperatures. It is divided into the following key areas:
- Cryogenic temperatures and contact with hydrogen lead to embrittlement of materials, which affects the lifespan of hydrogen storage and transport structures. The center focuses its efforts on removing the scientific obstacles to predicting the lifespan of hydrogen system components by developing thermomechanical behavior and damage models.
- The deployment of hydrogen technologies requires the design and manufacture of sealed, lightweight and thermally insulated storage structures. One key challenge for hydrogen storage is the selection of materials. The ICA-Albi site’s knowledge of the physical properties of materials, especially composites, in the cryogenic field, including permeability and thermal conductivity in this field, is essential for the future of this sector.
Recycling and reuse
of recycled materials
The foundations of a French sector on carbon fiber recycling
The ICA-Albi and the French Institute of Textiles and Clothing (IFTH) are working to promote the emergence of a new French industrial sector with a circular economy focused on recovering recycled carbon fibers. This work follows up on the joint MARVAPOL laboratory initiated with the RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 center, the ICA-Albi and Alpha Recyclage in 2015.
Destination Moon continues for the Albi site of Institut Clément Ader
The crewed exploration of the solar system is entering the next step of returning to the moon for long-duration missions, similar to the current missions carried out on the International Space Station. This return to the moon will require the installation of bases to accommodate these astronauts who will be able to study our natural satellite and prepare future missions to Mars. The SpaceShip FR project aims to develop research facilities and testing technologies on Earth that scientists will need on the Moon. This includes the construction of SpaceShip FR at the Toulouse Space Center with a coworking space, manufacturing workshop health modules, and an ISRU laboratory (in situ Resource Utilization). Through a circular economy approach, the ICA-Albi site lends its expertise in repairing and manufacturing mechanical parts using an additive manufacturing process based solely on a mineral material, the lunar soil known as regolith, and solar energy. The center and its partners continue to actively lead this scientific challenge with European-wide expansion in 2023.
A privileged partner
for health and the environment
The RAPSODEE center (Recherche d'Albi en génie des Procédés des Solides Divisés, de l'Énergie et de l'Environnement) UMR CNRS 5302 conducts research in the fields of renewable energies, biomass, waste and eco-activities, and powders, health and nutrition.
2,5 M€
in contract
staff (including)
PhD students
The center earns international recognition
for its expertise
The GALA® platform celebrates 10 years
Technological platforms are much more than spaces for innovation. They are ground-breaking tools that bring together public and private experts from an entire ecosystem, creating a climate conducive to transformation. They also support R&D by offering greater flexibility in terms of technological choices and experimentation, potentially through shared tools. This year, the GALA® (Advanced GALenics) platform of the RAPSODEE UMR CNRS 5302 training and research center celebrated 10 years of operation. In 10 years, it has become a leading international partner for innovation for some of the biggest pharmaceutical, health and food manufacturers. A one-day event was organized to highlight its innovative equipment and facilities.
Ange Nzihou receives major recognition
After being awarded the international Fulbright Scientific Scholarship in 2021, Ange Nzihou, a professor at the RAPSODEE Center, UMR CNRS 5302, completed a long stay at Princeton University. This visibility led to him being asked to join the new Stanford University “Institute of Sustainability” task force on renewable energies. He was also awarded the “Sustainable Energy Materials” Chair initiated by the Nobel Prize awarded to J.B. Goodenough, M.S. Whittingham and A. Yoshino, at Mahatma Gandhi University in India for 2022-2025.
Multiple collaborative projects
related to recycling
The RAPSODEE center confirms its position as key player involved in various types of recycling with the launch of a thesis and ANR project in 2022. RAPSODEE is a stakeholder in four projects that have been accepted and will start in 2023 with a focus on the future, and in response to ecological challenges:
PEPR PAC3R (PACkaging, Recycling, Recyclability, Re-use of papers and cardboards), funded by ANR. This project focuses on cellulosic packaging and its recyclability, recycling and reuse. The other partners involved in the project are LGP2-Grenoble INP, CEMEF-Mines Paris PSL, Mines Saint Etienne (GEO/EVS and MRI/COACTIS), UniLaSalle and CERMAV-CNRS, and CNRS.
PEPR Household wastes (systemic analysis), funded by ANR. The aim is to acquire the knowledge needed to improve the recycling and use of household waste throughout the entire value chain, from collection to treatment and recycling. The other partners involved in the project are TBI-INSA Toulouse, ESO-Le Mans Université, LGC-INP Toulouse, CEA-Université Paris-Saclay, IMP-UJM Saint-Etienne, GREDEC-Université Cote d’Azur, TRIANGLE-INSA Lyon, BETA-Université de Lorraine, ISBO-Université Catholique de Lyon, and CNRS.
The BattReval project, co-funded by the Occitanie region. The goal is to recover the elements used in used lithium-ion batteries through the selective extraction of lithium, iron and phosphorus. These elements will be used as catalysts to produce hydrogen or biofuels.
The RECULITI project, co-funded by the CIRCULADES Key Challenge (recycling and co-recovery of critical metals –lithium, titanium – from lithium-ion batteries and machining chips from the aeronautics industry). This project aims to explore new approaches to recycling critical metals, such as lithium and titanium, by focusing on innovative technologies (supercritical CO2 extraction, 3D printing) and co-recovery of the metals. Five Occitanie laboratories are involved in this project alongside RAPSODEE: ICGM, ICSM, ICA, MoMA ( and SNAM.
Events 2022
Concord Young Researcher Award for a PhD student from IMT Mines Albi
Ange Nzihou, Fulbright scholarship winner, invited at Princeton University
Ange Nzihou, professor at IMT Mines Albi, won the international Fulbright scientific scholarship in 2020 and has been invited to conduct research and teach at Princeton University.
Students take action against period poverty
Beena Paradin-Migotto meets the students from the class of 2022
Entrepreneur and culinary author Beena Paradin-Migotto, sponsor of the class of 2022, met with students on several occasions to provide career advice on consulting, international experience, entrepreneurship and the importance of a network.
Creation of the new “Hydrogen Campus Albi”
IMT Mines Albi committed to open science
The IMT Mines Albi version of the French Open Science barometer revealed a highly satisfactory rate of free access to its researchers’ publications, with open-access to nearly 90% of its publications.
IMT Mines Albi and Véolia further expand their collaboration
IMT Mines Albi and Veolia have signed a framework partnership agreement covering the fields of training, sustainable development and societal commitment.
IMT Mines Albi develops new opportunities for cooperation with Malaysia
IMT Mines Albi joined the consortium of French Grandes Écoles offering engineering courses for Malaysian students as part of a DUT in France supported by the Malaysian government.
The EGCERSIS joint laboratory wins the Laval Virtual Award for "Industry".
Three winners of the Eiffel Excellence Scholarship
Phase 2 for the joint laboratory between RAPSODEE and Eco-Tech Ceram
The SOlUTEC Joint Laboratory, on the recovery of industrial waste heat, entered phase 2 for a new 4-year period.
Lecture by Christyl Johnson, Deputy Director for Technology and Research Investments at NASA
Inauguration of the new IOMEGA platform at Industrial Engineering Center (CGI)
The industrial Engineering Center’s new building is home to a new research and experimentation platform with two technical facilities, IOMEGA and IOMEGA VR, offering the center's partners the opportunity to expand their development capabilities
IMT Mines Albi ranks 4th among French institutions in the U-Multirank
Co-organization of the WasteEng international conference on waste and biomass recovery
IMT Mines Albi and Veolia present the first results from their joint laboratory
RE-S-EAU, the joint laboratory launched at the beginning of 2020, is working on intelligent control solutions for water networks.
Start of the fall semester
New partnership with the ARCHES scientific network on spatial habitats
The ARCHES network’s policies are in line with the multidisciplinary approach of IMT Mines Albi’s programs in the areas of aeronautics, energy, environment, health and cross-functional business applications.
9th edition of the European Night of Researchers on the theme “Unforseen Events”
First edition of Research Day: a day dedicated to collaborative research and innovation
More than 70 partners, companies and laboratories took part in a rich and comprehensive program promoting research in the region to facilitate and develop research projects.
An 'Exception'Elles' weekend to boost female entrepreneurship with IMT Mines Alès
KITOZ, winner of the 9th edition of the Prix Pépite awards for the Occitanie region
The incubated project, KITOZ, focuses on recovering heat from the sun that is converted into steam using mirrors. The start-up had already won first place in the METHA Europe competition at the beginning of 2022 in the business set-up category.
IMT Mines Albi, partner of the 'Fête de la Science' 2022
17th edition of the Business Forum
The Business Forum brings more than 50 companies to the IMT Mines Albi campus, from SMEs to large groups, allowing stakeholders from the school’s target industrial sectors to exchange and meet with future engineering students.
Launch of the IMPACT project: support and cooperation program with Togo
First Erasmus Staff Week on "Managing across culture in a world of transitions"
As part of its International Week, IMT Mines Albi organized its first Erasmus Staff Week during which a dozen European partner universities participated in workshops and lectures.
Graduation Ceremony and Gala
The GALA® Advanced Galenics Platform celebrates 10 years
IMT Mines Albi renews its ISO:9001 certification
IMT Mines Albi first obtained ISO 9001:2015 certification in March 2020. The school has successfully renewed its certification without any non-compliance for a 3-year period.
The association 'Ingénieurs pour un Développement Durable' wins the 2022 Grand Prize for “Cultivating Equity”
The UNITA cluster of the association I2D (Engineers for Sustainable Development) proposed a project for a fair-trade grocery store on campus that opened in early 2023.